Welcome to Our Help Page
Terms of Use
Terms of Use The LYFESTREAM Application (the “LYFESTREAM App”) allows you to make new friends. The LYFESTREAM App is developed and operated by LYFESTREAM, a U.S company with and having its registered offices located 34768 Aqua Ln MI, US (“LYFESTREAM”) I. ACCEPTANCE OF THE PRESENT TERMS & CONDITIONS By registering on LYFESTREAM, you acknowledge that the use of this service is subject to the LYFESTREAM’s Terms of Service that you must accept in order to use our services.
Privacy Policy
At LyfeStream, your privacy is our top priority. Your privacy is always our main focus in the designing and building of our application and services. Trust, transparency and security is the foundation we look to build on with our users as we continue to grow. We honor your trust when you sign up, provide information and throughout the duration of the lifetime of you using our app.
Help Center
Never Send Money or Share Financial Information
Never send money, especially over wire transfer, even if the person claims to be in an emergency. Wiring money is like sending cash - it's nearly impossible to reverse the transaction or trace where the money went. Never share information that could be used to access your financial accounts. If another user asks you for money, report it to us immediately.